show you a way to learn chinese easily! I am originally from Northern China and Mandarin is my mother language. Received Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee in 2005. I went to study
教學進修 / 補習Anna LI(李老师)

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結婚 / 婚禮攝影Gavinyip Photography

Originally established in 1980 that specialises in helping foreign nationals process their China Visa Hong Kong Applications. Our team has the best connections when it comes to getting visas for
旅遊 / 旅行社Yazhou Travel Service Ltd

Chinese translation, voiceover, Mandarin translation, Cantonese voiceover
C商業 / 翻譯Chinese translator voiceover

Inspire CyberNET was founded in the Hong Kong in 2001 by a team of energetic individuals devoted to the challenges of conducting business on the Internet.

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飲茶你知我知 ……..你是否 飲對茶 ? 飲錯茶 ? 茶是簡單,茶是健康,茶飲養生。 選擇適合你體質的茶飲 據體質的不同、季節的不同以及地域的不同來選用不同的茶葉; 利用各種茶的特性讓人的身體達到平和健康,同時也達到防病與治未病的效果。享受簡單健康的泡茶過程樂趣 ,改變自己心境界,遠離日常生活、工作和學習中的煩惱,達到養生的目的。
教學進修 / 消閒興趣 - 其他課程故鄉茶園 Homeland Tea Garden

中大數學First Honour, IB狀元精英之師, 精補IB Math / IB Physics / GCE Math / AP Calculus/ Oxbridge Admission

用於胸腹脹滿等症。 橘皮辛散通溫,氣味芳香,長於理氣,能入脾肺,故既能行散肺氣壅遏 ,又能行氣寬中,用於肺氣擁滯、胸膈痞滿及脾胃氣滯、脘腹脹滿等症。常與木香、枳殼等配伍應用。 用於濕阻中焦、脘腹痞脹、便溏洩瀉,以及痰多咳嗽等症。 橘皮苦溫燥濕而能健脾行氣,故常用於濕阻中焦、脘腹脹悶、便溏苔膩等症,可配伍蒼朮、厚樸同用。又善於燥濕化痰,為治濕痰壅肺、痰多咳嗽的常用要藥,每與半夏、茯苓同用。

物業地產 / 商舖租售Feeling Wedding Decoration (夢幻世紀婚禮服務)
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